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Welcome to the Chinese Christian Church in Dubai
Chinese Marketplace Fellowship


Jumeirah Creekside Hotel M楼 The Academy 



Zoom 号: 229 032 1612

密码: 202020

Pink Sugar

Our Vision


A spiritual home full of love and unity


A fellowship that edifies the spiritual growth of disciples through prayer, bible studies, discipleship and cell group   



A missional church that call, train, and send evangelists.

“怜 悯 贫 穷 的, 就 是 借 给 耶 和 华; 他 的 善 行, 耶 和 华 必 偿 还” 

箴 言 19:17

Fellowship 的主任牧师 Pastor Ray 和他的妻子Sandy, 他们来自澳大利亚的 Multicultural Bible Ministry 

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